Bible Study Header
Your Test Becomes Your Testimony
Your Royal Position, For Such a Time like This
When God Reroutes Our Promise Land
He Reveals the Profound and Hidden
You Call Me Out Upon the Waters
Take My Yoke Upon You
Refuge for the Refugees
Holy Spirit Conviction
But Such As I Give To You!
The Extravagance of Partnering…
You Anoint My Head with Oil
They Have No Wine
Mountaineering with God
Positioning to see Jesus
Bridging the Gap
Be Born In Me
Purposed to Proclaim
Faith Forward
Mounting Up Like Wings on Eagles
Worship, a Weapon and Sceptre
God's Engineering
Lord If It's You
Our Steps Are Ordered
The Strength of My Heart
Rise and Be Healed
Decree a Thing and it Shall Be…
A Whale of a Time
Chariots of Fire All Around
Let My People Go
Fishers of Men, Harcest Time!
The Abounding Grace of God
Made Ready for the Archers Arm
Living Waters from A Well...
Mother Behold Your Son!
Just Say the Word
Planet Shakers, Planet Changers!
Who Are You Looking For?
Do This in Remembrance of Me
Gabbatha, The Judges Seat
Your Will, My Command
David Arise
Esther's Crowning Glory
Build on the Rock
Resurrection Life
Holistic Lifestyle
Reason for Every Season
Prepared for a Purpose
The Prized Pearl

Mother Behold Your Son!

When Mary uttered those stoic brave words, "May it be to me as you have said!" she had just submitted to one of the most challenging, demanding and arduous of undertakings of her life ever. She relented, she gave in, something deep within her realised that however absurd, however ludicrous and incongruous the angels request was, she could not say no. Mary found Gods favour. This was enough to dispel her fears, her anxieties and trepidations. Scripture says, "For those who find me find life and receive favour from the Lord" Proverbs 8:35. "Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favour with God!" These words of assurance brought comfort and peace to Mary at a time when all of her reserves were put to the test. Surrendering to usher in a Saviour, the Son of God - what an honour, what privilege, what heartache! God created Eve from Adams rib, to walk beside him as helper - Here Mary is handpicked as the Mother whose womb would bring forth a Son, the Sacrificial Lamb of God. What a special place, a special role, a special purpose God has reserved for women.

Inasmuch as Jesus was both human and divine in nature, I can imagine that Mary's thoughts, Mary's feelings and emotions concerning Jesus was more human, but the Grace, the strength, the tenacity and measure of faith that she exhibited and that was bestowed upon her, enabled her to fuse her human frailties with the strength and power of God. "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness", 2 Corinthians 9. What a powerful demonstration of Gods providence. How incredible that God would handpick a young naïve woman for such a mammoth task yet instil in her the sensitivities, the maturity, the grace, the wisdom, the grit to rear a child destined for the cross?! Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Mary never displayed vanity, pride, boastfulness, or unbridled enthusiasm, instead she kept all of her thoughts and inclinations within her, choosing to wait on Gods timing, for the fullness of time in which all is revealed.

Jesus honoured his parents. He respected their authority and was Joseph's carpentry apprentice. He knew the timing and order of His calling and dutifully obeyed. However when he was twelve years old and in Jerusalem with his parents, observing Passover, he remained behind while His parents made their way home. They had travelled a whole day before they realised Jesus was not with their party. They went back to Jerusalem only to witness Jesus sitting among teaches and scholars questioning and answering, everyone was astonished at his wisdom. Mary frantically asked Jesus, "Son why are you treating us like this, your father and I have been anxiously searching for you?" "Why were you searching for me?", "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house, doing His business?" Here was Jesus preparing Himself for Ministry and in a way His parents too. Scripture says Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men. We witness the tug between earthly parenting and Divine calling.

Another significant mother son moment came at a wedding in Cana. A miscalculation with the catering meant there was a shortage of wine. This would have been a gross embarrassment for the bridal party. "They have no more wine!" Mary said to Jesus. "Woman why do you involve me, my hour has not yet come." John 2:4. Mary calls on his Divinity, on His compassion - Jesus pushes back - but Mary continues to beckon her Son to do something. She believes He will. "Do whatever He tells you", she instructs the servants. This statement emphasises her faith and is a reflection of their intimate relationship. Her action and faith serve to change Jesus' mind becoming the catalyst to His first public miracle. At Jerusalem He returned to Nazareth with His parents, here in Cana Mary gave Jesus to the world; here Jesus through the faith and persistence of His mother performed His first miracle!

God emboldened Mary with the fortitude, the courage and endurance to witness Jesus' sentence, His merciless flogging, and His cruel crucifixion. But the tenderest of exchanges between Mother and Son came through the anguished gasps and whispers from the Cross. "Woman behold your son", and to John the Disciple, "Behold your mother. John 19:26 Under Jewish Law it was the eldest sons responsibility to see to his mother's welfare and wellbeing. The formal address of woman, should not be interpreted as cold but as a formal testament of the Law and perhaps from shielding her identity from abusive bystanders. From that moment on, John cared for Mary. Jesus' earthly obligations were complete, His mission, His suffering over.

Father help us to mirror your faithfulness to that which was entrusted to you. Help us like Mary to accept with brave stoic faith whatever you call on us to accomplish. For surely as evident in your relationship with your earthly parents and your Heavenly Father you proved that a collaboration is essential to completing our race, that despite our human frailties and short comings you bestow favour on those who find you, that your Grace is infinitely sufficient.

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